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  1. Why did you use Java?
  2. Which platforms program support?

Why did you use Java?

Because of me. I am a lazy programmer, and Java is very good programming language.
And because of you. Java is multiplatform programming language. Not everybody owns Windows operating system on computer. It is a big part of users who don't prefer this operating system.

Which platforms program support?

Windows platform, where is program tested, theoretically each platform where run Java Runtime Enviroment.
For example:
Linux Platform, Solaris SPARC Platform, Solaris x86 Platform, Solaris x64 Platform, Linux AMD64 Platform, Linux AMD64 Platform.

Listening music?Watching movies?Playing games?
Listening music?Watching movies?Playing games?

My photo My name is Juraj Svajdlenka and I am owner of this web. I hope that, you will be satisfied with our products and services.
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