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Friday, February 27, 2009

Lord of War II - Tower Defense Game

Lord of War II is next chapter of good tower defense game Lord of War from catad83.

Lord of War II has some improvements from previous chapter. Better graphics, improved sounds and campaign system with possibility to win achievements. In campaign mode you are going from map to the next more difficult map. The game has still excellent atmosphere. You can buy the same like in previous version of the game:
  • Santinel Tower is a basic tower in the game for the first levels.
  • Cannon Tower has better damage and it is suitable for basic levels.
  • Fire Tower is tower suitable for medium levels.
  • Crystal Outpost throws crystals on enemies. It has a good damage suitable for medium levels.
  • Elf Tower shots poison arrows on enemies. It has a good damage and it is strong enough for last levels.
  • Wizard Lair is the best tower in the game with an excellent damage.
Also system of upgrades and sells is the same. For all towers you can upgrade 3 basic features: Damage, Range and Speed. In higher levels your tower can be attacked by enemies. Damaged towers can be repaired by buying more HP. In each 10th wave there is a boss attack.

The game has a standard game engine inherited from previous version. It has nice graphics. It has also good sound effects. All controls in the game are clear. In the game are levels with attacking enemies. Be careful, and repair your towers, before they are destroyed.

Lord of War II is improved version of Lord of War game. I am giving this game 8.0 points from 10.

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Thursday, February 19, 2009

The Space Game - Strategy Game

The Space Game is excellent strategy game with tower defense features. It was created by David Scott from Casual Collective Inc.

The Space Game is combination of strategy and defense. You are in the space and you are mining asteroid fields. But sources are very needed and you must defend yourself from another space ships. At first you must build your support facilities and then defense. You can buy these necessary things in the game:
  • Energy Relay helps you connect your facilities with energy sources.
  • Mineral Miner is facility for mining on asteroids. It can mine all asteroids in the range. Minerals in this game means money.
  • Solar Station is source of energy. All facilities and weapons need energy.
  • Energy Store allows you to store energy for the future.
  • Repair Station sends ships, that repairs all damaged facilities and weapons in the range.
  • Basic Laser is basic and most used weapon in the game. It can be upgraded to Pulser with average range and good rate or THEL with good range, but it needs a lot of energy.
  • Missile Launcher is weapon with excellent range and damage, but with low rate. It is suitable against more powerful enemies and for long distance defense.
All weapons and facilities can be upgraded, some of them more times, or they can be sold. The game is possible to play in mission mode or you can choose from existing scenarios of various difficulties. The game has also very good tutorial mode with inline help. It will introduce you with the basics of this game.

The game engine is very good designed. It has very nice graphics and good sounds. All controls are very clear and intuitive. The Space Game has an excellent playability for every type of players. You can choose from easy scenarios to very difficult modes. Also mission mode is very good designed with increasing difficulty from mission to mission. It is very addictive game, and I spend a lot of funny time with this game.

The Space Game is an excellent strategy game. It has very good playability and I can recommend this game to all players. I am giving this game 9.5 from 10 points.

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Friday, February 13, 2009

270: White House - Tower Defense Game

270: White House is nice tower defense game from Powerhouse Animation and Hothead Games. It is situated in the USA. And you will work for your party in the president election.

270: White House is election tower defense game. At the start you must select your party from Democratic Donkeys or Republican Elephants. Then you have to choose map. After choosing map, you need to choose type of elections (difficulty). Main target of the game is to stop opponent enemies to reach White House. Every enemy that reach White House will gain 10 votes for his candidate. After reaching 270 votes you lost your game. In the relation to selected party you can choose from these weapons:

Democratic Donkeys
  • Hippie Tower is basic weapon against flying and ground enemies. It has no special ability.
  • Wind Mill can slow ground or flying enemies in the range.
  • Bill Tower attacks enemies with exploding cigars. It is suitable for both types of enemies.
  • MSTBC Tower send special message to flying enemies to damage them.
  • Biden Tower attacks enemies with poisoning long speeches. It is suitable against ground and flying enemies.
  • Hillary Tower will breath fire on ground and flying enemies.
  • Obama Tower is strongest tower of Democratic Donkeys. It can attacks both types of enemies with high effectivity.
In the case of emergency you can also use Protestor Wave. It destroy all enemies on their way. You can gain this ability after killing 30 enemies.

Republican Elephants
  • C.E.O. Tower is basic weapon against flying and ground enemies. It has no special ability.
  • Oil Tower can slow ground or flying enemies in the range.
  • Bush Tower attacks enemies with smart bombs. It is suitable for both types of enemies.
  • Fix News Tower send special message to flying enemies to damage them.
  • Palin Tower suits enemies to dresses and poisons them. It is suitable against ground and flying enemies.
  • Cheney Tower is hunting ground and flying enemies with a gun.
  • Mc Cain Tower is strongest tower of Republican Elephants. It can attacks both types enemies with his SkyHawk plane.
In the case of emergency you can use Hand of God. It stunts all enemies on the screen. You can gain this ability after killing 30 enemies.

The game has standard game engine. It has nice graphics and average sounds. You can upgrade your towers more times. You can also sell your towers. It contains also in game instructions on the left side of the screen. You can see incoming waves in wave slider at the bottom. You can also switch off blood effects, and switch between 2 speeds of the game. The game has very good playability and I can recommend this for advanced TD players.

270: White House is very good tower defense game. It has nice background and good playability. I am giving this game 8.0 from 10 points.

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Thursday, February 12, 2009

WarZone - Tower Defense Game

WarZone is an excellent tower defense game from Jeff Gold. It is combination of maze and standard tower defense games.

WarZone is tower defense game of more faces. At the start of the game you can choose from various maps and game modes. In relation to selected map you need to choose strategy. It is good to check terrain before you start to play. Positioning is very important in this game. You can buy these towers in the game:
  • Machine Gun is fast basic weapon with average range and low damage, suitable against all types of enemies.
  • Cannon is an weapon with average range and damage, suitable against ground enemies.
  • Missile Turet attacks air enemies in an excellent range with heat seeking missiles.
  • Flak Cannon is fast weapon weapon with good range suitable against air enemies.
  • Flame Thrower attacks ground enemies in low range with fire. It has splash damage.
  • Pulse Emitter has a very low range but devastating area damage. It attacks all enemies.
  • Laser Cannon attacks all enemies with laser beam. It has low rate and unbelievable range.
  • Heavy Cannon is slow but devastating weapon against ground enemies.
  • Plasma Cannon is an expensive weapon with an average range but very good damage suitable against all enemies.
  • Wall Block is suitable for closing some ways for enemies.
  • Bomb is last aid when is your defense broken.
  • E.M.P. slows enemies in the range.
  • Nuke is also last time solution if you need to destroy enemies in whole area.
Standard (not one time) weapons can be upgraded more times and sold.

The game has standard game engine, with standard controls. It has very good graphics and sound effects. Irritating background it is possible to switch off. You can see incoming waves in wave slider at the right bottom. Playability of the game is very good. I like it, because in various maps you need to use various strategies.

WarZone is very good tower defense game. It has very good playability. I am giving this game 8.5 from 10 points.

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Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Ravine - Tower Defense Game

Ravine is simple tower defense game from unknown author sponsored by Armor Games and Axis Games. In the game you must protect your castle from attacking enemies.

Ravine has 2 game modes. In Mission Mode you are going from map to map. After finishing previous map, you can unlock new towers. In Endurance Mode you only need to survive as long as possible. You can unlock new towers during game. There is a little difference from standard tower defense games. You didn't lost your game when some amount of enemies reach the end of the map, but at the end of map you must protect your castle. That simply means, that you can lost your game when only 1 enemy reach your castle and it will attacked for longer game. You can buy these towers in the game:
  • Ground Tower is basic tower for ground enemies.
  • Air Tower is basic tower against air enemies.
  • Ice Tower is effective on both types of enemies and it slows enemies.
  • Eagle Tower is average weapon against both type of enemies.
  • Poison Tower is effective on both types of enemies. It has low damage but it has long lasting.
  • Fire Tower is the best tower in the game suitable for both types of enemies.
Tower can be upgraded more times or sold. Towers are also upgraded in automatic mode after reaching some amount of killed enemies.

Ravine has standard game engine. What I don't like on this game engine, is system of upgrades and sellings. You must choose action button at first and then select tower. It is sometimes a little bit confusing. When you simply click on towers, you can change type of targeting for towers. The game has a good graphics and average sounds. The game is sometime a little bit difficult, but it has a good playability.

Ravine is nice tower defense game with good playability. I am giving this game 6.5 from 10 points.

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Mushroom Revolution - Tower Defense Game

Mushroom Revolution is next version of popular tower defense game Mushroom Farm Defender. It is childish tower defense game created for

In Mushroom Revolution you have only one type of mushroom defender. But you can change his features with help of accessories and elements. Mushroom defender can be updated 5 times. It is possible to buy from 5 elements: Fire, Water, Thunder, Wind and Earth. Every element is good against specific type of enemy. In main menu of the game is also elements combination list. There you can find good element combination. I found a complex walkthrough for this game.

The game has very good game engine. Graphics of the game is a little bit childish, but very nice. Good background music changes after longer playing to annoying. The game is played in story mode, where after finishing map, you can continue on the next map. You can move on the map with help of WASD keys, or with help of mouse. The game has a good playability.

Mushroom Revolution is nice tower defense game. I can recommend this game for all players. It has good playability and you will spend a good time with this game. I am giving this game 7.0 from 10 points.

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Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Waves of Joy - Tower Defense Game

Waves of Joy is simple tower defense game from It has unique idea and a lot of game modes.

Waves of Joy is unique tower defense game. Purpose of this game is to entertain park visitors entering the park in groups. They disappear, when they are enjoyed and and you gain points. Otherwise they leave park unhappy through exit, and you lost lives. In order to achieve this, player locates the park employees to be selected from the menu, to any place of choice in the area. Located employees automatically start to entertain or serve the park visitors passing nearby. Park visitors include four age groups of men and women. All age and gender groups have their own properties and interests. Therefore different park employees affect joy of visitors in different rates. You can employee these entertainers in the game:
  • Hot Corn Bufet is effective on everyone.
  • Simit Seller is also effective on everyone in range.
  • Clown is effective on everyone in low range.
  • Musician slows down visitors.
  • Balloons is effective on children.
  • Ice Cream Buffet is effective on teenagers.
  • Hot Dogs is effective on adults.
  • Bench is very effective on older people
  • Fortune Teller is effective on all women in range.
  • Target Shooter is effective on all men in range.
Employees can be upgraded and fired. You can upgrade their call effect, range, rate and angle.

Waves of Joy has specific game engine, with complicated controls. It is good to know basic keyboard shortcuts. They are here:
  • 1,2,...,0 - Select employee
  • Space - Send next group
  • Esc - Deselect employee/Show menu
  • S - Dismiss employee
  • M - Menu
  • P - Pause game
  • Q - Upgrade call effect
  • W - Upgrade call range
  • E - Upgrade call rate
  • R - Upgrade call angle
You can play the game in 3 difficulties. And you can also choose some special game modes. In basic mode it is good to play game to use maze strategy. It is important to combine entertainers. The game has an average graphics and playability.

Waves of Joy is tower defense game with unique idea. You don't have to kill enemies, you must only entertain visitors of the park. It has some an average playability. I am giving this game 5.5 from 10 points.

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Monday, February 2, 2009

River Defense - Tower Defense Game

River Defense is simple tower defense game from Dan Tillberg. It is next attempt to create game on style Desktop Tower Defense.

River Defense is maze tower defense game. That means, that you must create maze for incoming enemies to play this game. This strategy has an advantage, that you build maze from weapons, and they attack enemies going through maze. You can build these weapons in the game:
  • Potato Gun is basic weapon. It is good to create maze with this weapon at start.
  • Missile Silo throws rockets on enemies. It has a splash damage.
  • Coastal Battery has a good damage and range, but it is very slow.
  • Diamond Cutter is good weapon with low range.
  • Magnetic Mine slows enemies and has splash damage.
  • Gutling Gun is fast weapon with low range and good damage.
  • Disruptor slows enemies with bolts of energy.
  • Howitzer is very expensive, but also very powerful weapon.
Better weapons are available only in higher difficulties. All weapons can be upgraded more times and sold.

The game has standard game engine, with standard controls. You can play game in 4 difficulties. Playability of the game is not bad, but easy level is very easy. Plus of this game for beginners is possibility of last played game preview. You can also watch others players games. You can watch and learn strategies for this game. River Defense is still in development.

River Defense is tower defense game, clone of Desktop Tower Defense, with maze strategy. It has some an average playability. I am giving this game 5.5 from 10 points.

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