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Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Perim Protector - Tower Defense Game

Perim Protector is very nice designed tower defense game from Chaotic. It is standard tower defense game with very good playability.

Game doesn't have so much weapons but they are very good designed, and you must be very clever to choose right one for each level. Game has only 1 difficulty. My opinion is that game is difficult. You can choose from these weapons:
  • Iron Balls is the cheapest weapon and is suitable for ground and air units, with average damage.
  • Wild Slash is suitable for only for air units, with good damage.
  • Rock Wave is suitable for both units, with good damage but low range.
  • Tire Orb is suitable only for ground units, and has excellent damage.
  • Allmageddon is the most expensive weapon for ground and air units, with unbelievable damage, but slow.
It is possible to upgrade weapons and also sell them. At the end of each wave you can earn interest from earned money. The game has a very nice design, good sound effects and background music. Perim Protector has standard game engine. When you press space, you can see enemies hit points. Game has also very good playability, and you will spend with this game a lot of good time.

Perim Protector is very good tower defense game. The game has no special features. But I am sure that you won't need them. I am giving this game 7.0 from 10 points.

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