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Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Goulds - Tower Defense Game

Gould's is simple tower defense game from Jason Thomas. You can choose from 7 nice maps.

Gould's is standard tower defense game. You have to build towers to stop enemies reaching end of map. Game has 40 waves. To do that you can buy these towers:
  • Guard Tower is wooden basic tower suitable for air and land units, with low damage.
  • Stone Tower is basic tower suitable for land units, with average damage.
  • Alert Tower is basic tower suitable for air units, with good damage.
  • Power Tower is the best basic tower suitable for air and land units, with good damage and speed.
  • Main Tower is advanced tower suitable for air and land units, with good damage and speed.
  • Base Tower is advanced tower suitable for land units, with good damage.
  • Light Tower is advanced tower suitable for air units, with good damage and speed.
  • Heavy Tower is the best tower in game, suitable for air and land units, with excellent damage average speed and excellent range.
Towers can be upgraded more times, and they can be also sold. You can earn money from killing enemies. You can earn money also after killing all enemies in wave. Then you will also receive 1 research point. When you earn enough points, you can research new technologies to increase your damage or range. Good side of this game is possibility to choose from 7 maps. For every map it is necessary to choose different strategy. After winning map you can also play map in cheating mode. Game has good playability, you must carefully choose where you spend your money iin game.

Gould's Tower Defense game is simple, but nice game. There are no new things in this game. I am giving this game 6.5 from 10 points.

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